
CSR booklet design for C.P Vietnam

CSR is an acronym for Corporate Social Responsibility – Corporate social responsibility. This is an activity that demonstrates the commitment of the business to business ethics and contributes to economic, social and environmental development.

CSR may involve activities such as:

Cooperate with the local community
Investment is socially responsible
Develop relationships with employees and customers
Environmental protection and sustainability
Some businesses have the main purpose of fulfilling social or environmental goals, some businesses try to achieve their financial goals while minimizing any negative impacts on society or environment. Through CSR programs, businesses can benefit society and promote their own brand. CSR activities can promote work ethic and create cohesion among employees in the company.

CSR was built by scholars before World War II and was widely developed in the 60s of the last century. Finally, it was found that most SUSTAINABLE development enterprises are conscious and act for society.

CSR activities not only help businesses but also human values ​​bring support to the community and society. Therefore, CSR activities need to be summed up and communicated in order to spread more and more motivation to most businesses, although large and small, to join hands to bring practical support for these ministries. The weak, together build a sustainable living environment and production environment

Looking back on the many years of CSR activities, CP Vietnam wishes to inspire many people and businesses to build a better and more sustainable world through good stories. Full humanity is transmitted through the design of CSR reports.

Download booklet (PDF) Vietnamese-English about CSR activities of CP Vietnam version 1  HERE and version 2 HERE. And don’t forget to tell us which version you prefer! (by commenting below this article)

Or you can scan directly into this code to see each language separately




** Disclaimer: this is an in-house publication with the aim to look back on the journey of CSR activities of businesses, inspire employees of the company and desire to share their own happiness. participants participate in each person’s “let go” journey. Information is not advertising, commercial.

Categories: News

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