
Standee design

Our features


High tech up-to-date

We always learn for high technology in order that we can adapt fo our new brands in brand identity design project, beside meet tradditional requirement for brand design


Each brand identity design project is considered our enjoy to create impressive idea and put challenges to ourself. Obviously, our client will receive the best result from the best artists who do not call brand design as a task but their happiness


We have special process for human building that help us continously to give more and more creative ideas. You would like to explore our secret? Let's ask our service now

Sale and marketing direction

Our designers have not only artist view, technology master but also sale and marketing mindset. Any design is built to support for clients to push sale and gain marketing levels

Standee design | Sector: Cosmetics

Standee design | Sector: Beauty

Sector: IT sourcing

Sector: Supplement food

Sector: Drink store

Band roll design | Sector: Technology sourcing

Standee design | Sector: Bamboo straw

Standee design | Sector: Medical clinic

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